[•Shaman King. Love•]


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[•Shaman King. Love•]

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Вы здесь » [•Shaman King. Love•] » Архив » Песни из Шаман Кинг(тексты)

Песни из Шаман Кинг(тексты)

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Ryuuro; Revelation


Tao Ren Song


Sung by: Paku Romi (Tao Ren)


Английская версия


A lonely, ruined time is arriving,
Will you be ready to greet it?
Everything will leave that depleted future;
While going forward it may fall.

A calmed heart; a single sheet of paper at my feet.
The left hand on the edge of a blade; the right hand in the mirror.

The idle life has come to an end; my feelings are clear.
Logic lives as a loom, weaving a dream into reality
And leading us to the road to victory.

The sorrows of yesterday are returning;
The will of tomorrow must be caught.
Wanting to give up your heart for a friend,
To touch their life for a while;
To learn the ways of the heart.

The way in which you hope has changed;
You can learn to truly see once you've been touched by the first rainfall.

Thinking in new ways means cutting straight to the truth. The moon reflects on water droplets, to see it you need to open your mind's eye.

The sorrows of yesterday are returning;
The will of tomorrow must be caught.
Wanting to give up your heart for a friend,
To touch their life for a while;
To learn the ways of the heart.

Thinking in new ways means cutting straight to the truth;
The moon reflects on water droplets, but you must open your mind's eye to see it.

The sorrows of yesterday are returning;
The will of tomorrow must be caught.
Wanting to give up your heart for a friend,
To touch their life for a while.

A lonely, ruined time surrounds us,
Will you be waiting to greet it?
Everything will leave that depleted future;
While going forward it will fall.
Towards the tranquil spirit.



Tamashii Kasanete


Asakura Yoh Image Song


Singer: Yuuko Satou (as Asakura Yoh)
Английская версия

The morning sun at my back, the moment I looked
A too bright rainbow spread [across the sky]
Blown by the good-feeling wind
Now, to a journey that aims at the end of the world

Because the friends I meet, those smiling faces
Give me peace of mind

I want to be watching over them, I want to believe in them
No matter what time, no matter if we're apart
Our hearts are always together
In warmth
Our souls overlap

For example, if the figure reflected in the mirror
Asked to live in a different world
I wouldn't be at a loss
The echoing pain in this body is the answer

The moon and sun, the same yet different
They both have a place where they shine

In this stream we call a period of time
When you feel like you've been caught in it
Everything you can see now in front of your eyes
Going straight ahead, catch it all
Let's catch the truth

On the one streak from the shooting star
I wish for happiness

I want to be watching over them, I want to believe in them
No matter what time, no matter if we're apart
Our hearts are always together
In warmth
Our souls overlap



Shaman King


1 Куплет:Взгляни вокруг
Оглянись назад
Духи с тобою
Связаться хотят
Мир не таков
Каким кажется он
Чудесами каждый окружен
Все вокруг подвластно глазам
Сделать свой выбор должен ты сам
Встреть свою судьбу! Припев: Быть шаманом королем
Всех шаманов королем
Если дух твой силен
Шаманом королем 2 Куплет:Я верю в мир
Я верю в судьбу
Врагам не сдамся
Продолжу борьбу
Я должен победить Припев:Быть шаманом королем
Всех шаманов королем
Если дух твой силен
Шаманом королем.

P.S.На одном из форумов я нашел продолжение, не знаю реально ли оно, но я вывешу его для фанатов.
3 Куплет:Зажги в своём сердце яркий огонь,
Круши врагов, но дружбу не тронь,
Если ты хочешь свой страх превозмочь,
Духи готовы в этом помочь.
Если ты хочешь планету спасти,
С духом-хранителем рядом идти-
Встреть свою судьбу- Припев:Быть шаманом-королём,
Всех шаманов королём,
Если дух твой силён....
Быть Шаманом-королём. 2 Куплет:Злые силы воспрянут из сна
На Земле начнётся шаманов война-
Я должен победить- Припев:Быть шаманом-королём,
Всех шаманов королём,
Если дух твой силён...
Быть Шаманом-королём



у меня есть это продолжение,она реально в "Shaman King 2"



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